Tonga’s Crown Prince Tupouto’a ‘Ulukalala & Crown Princess Sinaitakala Tuku’aho announce the birth of a daughter

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Tupouto’a ‘Ulukalala and Crown Princess Sinaitakala Tuku’aho of the Kingdom of Tonga have announced the birth to their fourth child and third daughter.

Crown Princess Sinaitakala gave birth to a baby girl at the Calvary Hospital in Canberra, Australia, on 25 February 2021. The little girl was born at 7.41 P.M Tongan time. The Palace Office in Nuku’alofa announced that she had been named Princess Salote Mafile’o Pilolevu. The name Salote is no doubt in honour of Queen Sālote Tupou III, who reigned from 1918 to her death in 1965 and is Tonga’s longest-reigning monarch to date.

The Crown Princess is also 27th in the line of succession in her own right. Their three other children are HRH Prince Taufa’ahau Manumataongo (born 2013), HRH Princess Halaevalu Mata’aho (born 2014) and HRH Princess Nanasipau’u Eliana (born 2018).

The new baby Princess is the fourth grandchild of Their Majesties King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau’u, and she is fifth in the line of succession, behind her father and elder siblings.
